The tallest Volcanos in the world. And not only…

by | Jan 28, 2023

I vulcani sono una delle meraviglie naturali più affascinanti della Terra. Vediamone alcuni fra i più alti e famosi.

During my last trip to Tenerife I was struck again at the sight of the Teide volcano. A true wonder of nature, imposing and, in some way, fearsome. Above all, I could not avoid thinking about what recently happened to the nearby island of La Palma with the eruption of the volcanoCumbre Vieja.

So, as a simple nature enthusiast and without any vezzo as an improvised geologist, I got to work looking for information and curiosities about some of the most particular volcanoes around the world and beyond.

Volcanoes are one of the most fascinating natural wonders on Earth. With their imposing shapes and destructive strength, they represent an irresistible call for geology and exploration enthusiasts. In this article we will explore some of the most famous and spectacular volcanoes in the world, from the high peaks of the Andes to the volcanic islands of the Pacific, and discover what makes these places so unique and fascinating.

Mauna Kea

Located on the island of Hawaaii, it is the highest volcano on Earth with its 4.207 meters above sea level and another about 5,000 meters underground. It is a dormant volcano, but it is an extraordinary place to visit for its scenic beauty and its volcanic history.

The Mauna Kea volcano is very important to the Hawaiians for a number of cultural and spiritual reasons. First, the Hawaiians consider it sacred and consider it the home of their gods. The top of the volcano is a pilgrimage site for native Hawaiians, where some of the oldest Hawaiian ruins can be found.

In addition, the Hawaiians believe that the summit of the Mauna Kea is a place of great power (spiritual power) and that the volcano is a source of strength and inspiration for their culture. They believe that the Mauna Kea is a sacred place where it is possible to have a spiritual connection with ancestors and with the forces of nature.

Finally, Mauna Kea is also very important for Hawaiians from an ecological point of view. The summit of the volcano is a UNESCO biosphere reserve, and offers an extraordinary variety of endemic flora and fauna. In addition, the Hawaiians have a strong bond with the earth and consider the volcano as a source of life and blessings.

Mauna Kea

Mount Teide

The total height of Mount Teide, the volcano located in Tenerife, in the Canary Islands, Spain, is about 3,718 meters above sea level. However, if you also consider the underwater part, its total height is around 7,500 meters, because the base of the volcano is submerged below sea level.

Mount Teide is also one of the largest and most spectacular volcanoes in the world, with an imposing shape and unique scenic beauty.

The ascent to Mount Teide is an unforgettable experience, which requires good physical preparation. You can climb almost to the top by car and then take a cable car that must be booked. Or you can opt for a hiking hike even if it is advisable to do so with an expert guide. Once at the top, you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the island and the ocean. In addition, Mount Teide is also an ideal place to observe the stars, as there are many astronomical observatories.

The Teide National Park, where the volcano is located, offers many activities for hiking and nature enthusiasts, such as hiking, birdwatching, and even hot air ballooning. The Teide National Park was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2007, for its unique scenic beauty and geological importance.

Mount Teide is a must-see destination for geology and hiking enthusiasts, but also for all those who want to enjoy the unique beauty of the Canary Islands. With its imposing beauty and fascinating geological history, Mount Teide is a place you can’t miss on a trip to Tenerife.

tenerife teide

Ojos del Salado

The Ojos del Salado is an active volcano located on the border between Chile and Argentina, in the Andes. It is the highest mountain in the world outside Asia, with a height of 6,893 meters above sea level. The volcano has been the subject of numerous eruptions throughout its geological history, the last of which dates back to 1993, in fact an unconfirmed outflow of gas. However, volcanic activity is currently dormant, but there are signs of geothermal activity in the area, so there may be a possibility of a future eruption.

Ojos del Salado

What about active volcanoes?

There are many famous active volcanoes around the world, some of the best known are:

  1. Vesuvius: located in Italy, it is famous for its eruption in 79 A.D. which destroyed the cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabia.
  2. Etna: located in Sicily, it is one of the most active volcanoes in the world and offers spectacular eruptions and Strombolian activities.
  3. Kilauea: Located in Hawaii, it has been one of the most active volcanoes in recent decades, with numerous eruptions and lava flows.
  4. Mount Fuji: Located in Japan, it is one of the most famous and sacred active volcanoes in the country, with a history of volcanic activity dating back thousands of years.
  5. Popocatepetl: Located in Mexico, it is one of the most active volcanoes on the American continent and offers spectacular explosive and fumarolic activities.
  6. Eyjafjallajökull: Located in Iceland, it became famous for its 2010 eruption which caused flight problems throughout Europe.
  7. Mount St Helens: Located in the US, it is famous for the 1980 eruption that caused a great deal of damage and death.

However, it is important to keep in mind that volcanoes can be unpredictable and that their activities can change at any time, so it is always important to check the updated information before planning a trip to an active volcano.

And…a little further? Space volcanoes

Mount Olympus is a volcano located on the Moon, it is the highest volcano in the Solar System, with a height of about 21 km. However, it has not been active since 3.5 billion years ago, so there is no chance of seeing it erupt.

Mount Olympus was discovered in 1972 by the Apollo 16 mission. It was the only volcano ever discovered on the Moon. It is one of the most imposing formations of the terrestrial satellite, Its structure is extremely complex, with a large amount of craters, reliefs and valleys.

Although not active, Mount Olympus has been the subject of many scientific and geological studies due to its height and large volume. Scientists used the data collected by space missions to better understand how it was formed and what it can tell us about the geological history of the Moon.

Mount Olympus is a must-see destination for enthusiasts of geology and space exploration. Unfortunately, it is not possible to visit it, as current technology does not allow us to reach the Moon with ease…

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